Bossam with Lao Sauce


1 napa cabbage
½ cup coarse salt
4 cups of water
Korean green pepper

1. Cut the cabbage in half and wash it thoroughly. Soak cabbage in salt water for 2 hours then rinse and drain well.

2 tablespoons Sempio Tojang Soybean paste
1 large onion, cut in half
2 inches ginger, sliced thinly
10 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 cup brewed coffee
8 cups water
1.5 pounds pork belly, rinsed and drained

1. In a large pot, add soybean paste, onion, ginger, garlic, brown sugar, coffee, water, mix well and bring it to a boil. Add the pork belly and cook on medium-low heat covered for 60 minutes. Take out the meat and let it cool. Thinly slice the pork belly.

Jeow Mak Tua Nao | Lao Fermented Soybean Sauce
1/3 cup Sempio Tojang Soybean paste
12 bird eye chilies
12 garlic cloves
2 inch ginger
6 medium shallots
1 splash of fish sauce

1. Air fry the soybean paste for 20 mins then fresh chillies, garlic, ginger, and shallots for 30 mins at 400F
2. Blend the roasted aromatics, soybean paste, and fish sauce together to make a paste

Thank you Maangchi and Koreanbapsang for the bossam and Korean food inspiration.


Lao Stuffed Lemongrass | Ua Si Khai


Passion Fruit Coconut Custard