Easy Papaya Salad Hack | How to Make Lao Papaya Salad in the Desert
Whenever I go on a vacation or just in general a trip away from my kitchen, I get those Lao papaya salad shakes. It means I’m craving papaya salad, but none of the restaurants make it the way I like it. The easiest solution is bringing your own papaya salad kit. Recently, I went to Joshua tree on a work retreat and I limited myself to bringing items. I decided to make a kit that didn’t need a mortar and pestle. My papaya salad kit included: a whole green papaya, padaek, shrimp paste, fish sauce, tamarind paste, crab paste, tomato, garlic, lime, sugar, and msg. You can see its a long list to make it. I condensed my papaya salad kit by dividing the ingredients into single use items.