Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun

What is Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun?

Lao jelly also known as vun is a popular type of Lao dessert. This one is made from dragonfruit and you will typically also find vun made from pandan and coconut milk. Agar is the ingredient that helps firm up the jelly and it is derived from seaweed. It’s a great alternative to jello for those that are looking for a vegan ingredient. It’s a great dessert that will take on whatever flavor and color you choose to add.

Why is Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun important in Laos?

These desserts were a staple at Lao parties. It’s one of those foods that seem so similar to Western jelly but once you take a bite, you can tell the texture and flavors are very different. It’s a recipe that continues to be passed down and made in various ways.

What type of draongruit should you use?

There are three features you should look for when picking out dragonfruit at the grocery store.

  1. Color: Make sure you get one that is bright and vibrant.

  2. Texture: Lightly press down on the fruit and it should feel firm but not hard.

  3. Blemishes: Look all around the fruit to make sure there is no mold or wholes from bugs.

What makes the Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun different from other jelly?

Vun is made from agar agar giving it a more firm texture than regular jello or other jellies. Since agar is made from seaweed, it can be vegan and it come come in the form of powder, flakes, or bars. Compared to jello and Taiwanese jellys, vun is the most firm.

Adjusting Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun to your taste

Vun is versatile so you can adjust baste on your sweetness, color, and even firmness. I encourage experimenting with agar agar and a little can go a long way so try making this recipe to see if you like its firmness and you can change it from that experience. Most Lao desserts are not too sweet and this one is similar but if you have a bigger sweet tooth, go ahead and add more sugar.

Tips & Tricks in making the best Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun

It is the details that will make your Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun really delicious and also where you source your ingredients.

  • pick out the best dragonfruit

  • make sure all the agar agar is melted when boiling

  • use your favorite fruit and experiment

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Yield: 8-10
Author: Saeng Douangdara
Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun

Lao Dragonfruit Jelly | Vun

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of summer with our Dragonfruit Passion Fruit Jelly recipe! This easy-to-follow guide will walk you through creating a refreshing Lao jelly known as vun, bursting with the tropical essence of dragonfruit and tangy passion fruit. Perfect for warm-weather gatherings or simply satisfying your sweet tooth, this visually stunning dessert is a breeze to make and guaranteed to impress. Dive into a world of exotic flavors with every delightful bite!
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 5 MinInactive time: 30 MinTotal time: 40 Min
Cook modePrevent screen from turning off



  1. Prepare Dragonfruit: Set aside the leftover dragonfruit peel for later use. Cut the inside of the fruit into small cubed pieces.
  2. Prepare Passion Fruit: Deseed the passion fruit and strain to extract all the sour-sweet juices.
  3. Boil Ingredients: In a medium pot, combine water, dragonfruit skin, and lemongrass. Mix well and bring to a boil. Allow to boil for about 5 minutes.
  4. Strain Mixture: After boiling, strain out all the pieces, leaving behind an orange liquid.
  5. Add Flavor: Add the passion fruit juice and agar agar powder mix to the strained liquid. Mix well to combine.
  6. Prepare Pan: Pour the liquid into a large glass pan. Sprinkle the cubed fruit pieces evenly around the pan.
  7. Optional Coloring: For extra vibrancy, consider adding a few drops of pink food coloring to the mixture.
  8. Set and Cool: Allow the mixture to cool for about 30 minutes until set.
  9. Flip and Cut: Once cooled, gently flip the jelly onto a cutting board. It should come out easily. Cut the jelly into square pieces.
  10. Serve: Your dragonfruit passion fruit jelly is now ready to serve! Enjoy this delightful summer dessert.

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